Friday, August 14, 2009

~~Wise word from the Lord 难以忘怀的话语~~

PS: Chinese translation will come in later...sorry!!~~

These are just few examples that worth slowing down to digest, absorp and apply in our daily lives. God is an awesome God indeed, His wisdom transcends all understanding and pierces directly into the innest most of one's heart. Do not withold Your wisdom, oh my Lord, may You continue to nurture my heart with such indescrible beauty of wisdom. Amen =)

1) One of the heart-warming gifts for discipleship is when the person that you used to pray for he/she, thank to God's grace and mercy start to pray for you in return. Believe it or not, those might be the moment when you need such prayer the most ^.^ Quote from Mr. Ong, inherited from Li Fang to me: We can count the number of seed inside an apple but we won't know how many apple will come from a single seed. So continue to spread the seed of gospel as far as you can for God honors such an act and in due time will multiply your seed by hundreds and thousands times. --- courtesy from Li Fang

2) God grins from ear to ear when we make it a point to have quiet and solitary walk with Him daily (ideally) or as often as we can for He longs to have intimate conversation with His offsprings. More often than not, it is during those times when our hearts desire Him and to be with Him, His voice will be exceptionally loud and etch in our heart. If you can't hear God's voice at the first or second walk, it does not mean that God stops dwell in us. Just that we are slow to quiet down our hearts and taking our own sweet time to remove clutters that hinder spiritual growth. With or without knowledge, we choose to take the winding road instead of the straight path that God has prepared in advance for us. Learn from Mary, always as obedient as a kid when it comes to listen to God's word. In exchange of the thousands good deeds that we deemed to be try to do only one thing - listen intently to what God try to tell you, be at the feet of Jesus all the times. (c. f. Luke 10:38-42)

A good example and motivation for those who take the first leap of faith:

A little girl desires to spend some quality time with the Lord. She took time off from her busy schedule and hoped to have an intimate walk with the Father at Botanical Garden (which located at least an hour away from her house. She took all the trouble and time to get there early in the morning). It was breezy morning and sky was navy blue - a perfect weather for a walk. Once she reached the destination, rain drop started to fall. People were rushing and running looking for shelter. Such an intermittent rain smoothered the step of faith no matter how strong your faith might be I guess. Like others, this little girl searched her bag and pulled out the umbrella with great dismay. She murmured unceasingly (it is funny when it comes to complaint, we always do it unceasingly but when it comes to praising the God, who can do it consistently?) to His Father, asking the Lord why He allows such a rain to come?

The Lord speaks," my dear, are you willing to walk with me through shine or rain?"

What a soul searching question! The little girl can only bow and knock her head in full submission.

The rain only lasted for few minutes. It did not really wet the place thoroughly but refreshed the dating venue between them. The rain served as a natural air conditioner to cool down and prepare a more comfortable environment for those at the outdoor. Efford put in God will never go in vain indeed =)

Think the question is not that God stops speak to us but how prepare and receptive our hearts to listen to His voice? -- courtesy from Li Fang

3) I received a call from Helen asking me out for dinner. The call came in few seconds afer I stepped into my apartment from gym. She said if I am alright with the arrangement, they (Kent and Helen) will come and pick me up in 30 mins time. I was still puffing away with filthy clothes and smelly sweat. I seriously doubt that I will be ready in 30 mins! Though I really love to spend time with them but in view of my shabby look, I politely turned down their offer (I am heavily influenced by Asian culture, never attend an invitation unprepared! =D ) Honestly, I am not good in rejecting invitation. After explained my condition, little do I expect such a short and sweet rhetorical question from Helen.

Helen said," does that matter?"

Well, come to think of it that really does not matter at all. What matters most is who you are spending time with. The same is our standing in front of God. God never take into account our look, status, clothes and other external appearances. It is the position of our hearts that matters more to Him. --- courtesy from Helen

4) There was this county that suffered from prolong drought for quite some times. The scorching heat had threatened the livelihood of the villager yet no one had any solution in mind in face of such natural disaster. Some religious parties decided to have a ritual to ask for rain from heaven. Everyone from the village was asked to gather at the assembly place at the afternoon. Everyone came with great expectancy since there seem to be no other way out of such predicament. When it was time to start the ceremony, the priest had a long pause and his view stagnant at the very far end. There was this little girl who attended the ceremony with a red umbrella holding tightly in her hand! Indeed, it was a scene that worth framing in mind! Such a beautiful child-like faith, isn't? (Father, forgive me for not being able to trust you all the times, forgive me whenever I try to use my own rational/knowledge to box your unlimited limit. Father, may You continue to preserve our first love. I long to be continued to be Your little innocent daughter that trust and believe all things that You have in stored for me. It is my desire to trust You with all my heart, my mind and my soul. I just want to love You more with each passing day, show me oh Lord, show me how to love You more... No matter what is ahead of me, I wish to say this over and over again...I love You, Abba Father. Amen)

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