Sunday, June 14, 2009

~~He calls us by name~~

" Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

I am not born to be a speaker but God say "I will put my words in your mouth."
I am just a child but God say "I will make you to be who I want you to be."
I am afraid but God say "Do not be afraid for I am always with you."
I am tired and wore out but God say "Come, and I will give you rest. My burden is light."
I think it is impossible but God say "With me all things are possible."
I am sick but God say "I will heal you."
I don't know how to love but God say "God is love. I will show you how to love."
My soul is so restless but God say "I will give you peace."
My body is broken but God say "I will make you whole."
My mind is so empty but God say "In me you will bear fruit."

Those are just few excuses that I use most of the time especially when it comes to do His work. Again and again, He convicts and proves to me that He is able to transform me through and through. (though He really don't have to set aside so much time on me...who am I that You are so mindful of? The reason is as plain and as simple as You love us, every single one of us. God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. I can only bow down in adoration.)

I have been "dreaming" of having my own stage and audience for quite a while. I hope to preach with great confident, to shine His radiant, to spread His fragrant and aroma to whoever that has ears. Little do I know that every little imagination, every little dream, every little prayer that I whisper is fully heard by Him. Even when I don't feel it or hear it, God is always at work. He is a great mastermind behind the scene. On 11 June 09, He presented me my 1st stage - Auditorium at my workplace. Though I have to present work-related topic (Chemistry), I am so thrilled and excited about it!!! It is a place that i wish I can be the speaker all the time. God is gracious and mercy to me. By leaning solely on Him, He calms my nerves and guides me to deliver my speech beautifully. Once again, He did it for me!!~~ I love you Lord.

Photos on that day:

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